Friday 30 April 2010

Delicious Blueberry Pie

It's a bit redundant to call a blueberry pie delicious, but it really is one of those great culinary treats where everything just seem to fit together so perfectly. And to improve on the perfect dessert, I've added a scoop of homemade vanilla icecream which just slowly started melting all over the pie. This is what they will serve in dessert heaven.
Pie dough:
280g flour
1 tsp salt
150g cold butter
5-6 tbsp ice cold water
Blueberry filling:
2 trays of blueberries
5 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
3 tsp cinnamon
1 pinch of all spce
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp lemon juice

The dough is a quite straight forward pie crust dough. Mix the flour and the salt. Then cut the butter into the flour but make sure it stays very cold all the time. If the butter starts melting it absorbs the flour and becomes less flaky. Keep mixing until it has a "sandy" texture. A food processor is perfect for this. Then add the water and quickly press the dough together. Leave it to rest in the fridge for an hour.

Crush about half of the blueberries with a fork.

Add the rest of the ingredients. Leave it to rest for the sugar to dissolve and the juices to mix.

Turn on your oven. Roll out the dough on a well floured table. You can do this on top of a sheet of oven paper to make it easier to mover into the pie mold.

Place it in your pie mold.

Trim off the edges and pinch the base with a fork. Roll out the trimmed off pieces and cut them into strips.

Pour in the blueberry filling.

Weave the strips on top. Crimp the edges of the pie.

Bake at 15 min at very high temperature. Then bake it anohet 30 minutes at middle temperature or until the crust is golden. Should it start browning too much you can cover it with tin foil.

The final result, the perfect slice of blueberry goodness.

1 comment:

Rillnumber said...

Kept this one secret Dave!

Have to try look great.